This is so easy to do. All you need is a vinyl stencil with your name on it as a stencil, etching cream (Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream - Permanent) , paint brush, and your Pyrex dish.
You put your stencil on your glass. Paint your etching cream on the glass showing in your stencil. (put a lot on there, so you know it is working) Wait 25 minutes and wash off. Peal your vinyl off and wash with windex and your done. Easy, Easy Easy! This is a great gift for anyone. For all those non crafters, this is the perfect super Saturday idea. The etching will not go away when you bake it or wash it. It is permanent!
Last Name Template:
1-5 :$3.50 each
6 or more: $3.00 each
If you want flowers or other items next to your name it will cost $.50 more.
What a creative and crafty Lady you are!
Do you actually etch on Pyrex? When I've tried it, it didn't work. I had to use another brand like Anchor Hocking (sp?). My husband told me it's because Pyrex isn't pure glass.
How do you order?
If you want to order, email me at vinylmasterpiece@gmail.com, and we can set up an order for you. I like to use paypal, and even if you don't have a paypal account you can still use their service through me. Thanks your for your question.
I'm interested in ordering some stencils for etching. How much time do you need to fill an order? We are putting our crafts on display in 2 weeks. I would need one stencil for a display sample with an order coming in 3 weeks. We would need them 12 days after placing the order. I don't know how many will sign up. Is that possible? Thanks for any info. Starla Phillips, Sharon 5th Ward Relief Society at starlaphillips@gmail.com
I am a glass worker, PYREX does not contain borax. Pyrex is a type of glass, a hard glass. It's popularity stems from it's COE (coefficiency of expansion) That is what allows it to go from the freezer into the oven and not break. The glass is also much harder, so it does take longer to etch. If 25 minutes doesn't do it, then add more and leave it on longer. I use a cream for hard dishes. Painting it on is a great idea.
Can you reuse the template several times or is it a one time deal?
You can only use the stencil once. It is like a sticker, so once you peel it up, it is done.
I need to make a order. Can you email me at zacandjoy@hotmail.com?
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