All you need is a glass box that you can get at home depot or most home stores. The size that you want is 8x8x3. Next, you drill a hole in the back with a diamond bit hole cutter. 1/2 inch bit works great. You can find these at most hardware stores. I picked mine up for about $7.00. Remember when you are drilling glass use water to cool the blade down and to wash away excess glass. I just used a water bottle, and squirted as I went. Don't push too hard. You don't want the glass to brake. It took me about 3-4 minutes to cut each block. Please be careful when cutting. Use safty glasses, and remember you are dealing with glass. I have made these blocks without the lights, and they look good too. It is just fun to have a glowing box.
Decorate time: Wrap a bow around the block. I got my ribbon at the dollar store. Put the vinyl on the block. Stuff the glass box with a string of white mini lights. About 10-20 lights. Plug it in and you have a wonderful christmas decor.
in your pictures the lights are not showing. Did you stick something else inside the box to create that silky look?
quick question....I drill the holes with a glass drill and now I have dried glass powder stuck on the inside. Which doesn't look good. I thave tried to just wash them out but it doesn't work. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for the instructions. I shared a link to you page at: www.facebook.com/homemadegiftideas.
Yeah..even i would like to know like Kirk and Jamie...on how the light are not visible. Is it a translucent glass block?
I just put a light on it for the picture.
I have been trying to figure out how to make these for awhile. Great post, but I have a question... If you are putting water on it and then drilling with an electric drill, isn't that a little dangerous? Or are you using some other kind of drill??
When you drill the hole the water is on the blade not the power cord. Please do not mix power and water. You can also you a cordless drill.
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